We are the Sons and Daughters of St. John Bosco who work and live in the eastern United States and in Canada. We belong to a worldwide Family, a “vast movement of persons” at work in over 130 countries for the entire well-being – physical, material, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual – of the poor, the ill, the weak, and the marginalized, but most especially of poor and abandoned, at-risk, young people.

Ours is a Family “totally of Mary.” Don Bosco himself always taught that it was “Mary who has done everything.” She was the teacher whom Jesus, Her Son, entrusted to him in his Dream of Nine Years Old. It was she who guided Don Bosco in his work with the young and in the founding of his Religious Family.

The apostolic Family of Don Bosco is called Salesian because it is linked to Saint Francis of Sales, whom Don Bosco chose as his inspiration and patron as with his work and writings he proposed that Christian humanism and that expression of charity which corresponded so well to his intimate aspirations. It is a humanism that does not ignore man’s weakness, but is based on an unshakable confidence in the intrinsic goodness of the individual who is loved by God, and by Him called to Christian perfection, in every state of life.

This humanism is a constitutive element of the charismatic and spiritual experience of the Groups founded by Don Bosco, and as a precious inheritance has been made their own by the other Groups which today are aggregated to the single Family. The whole Salesian Family, therefore, enters into this large movement, offering to the Church an original contribution in the field of education and in apostolic work.

Parts have been adapted from: the Charter of the Charismatic Identity of the Salesian Family of Don Bosco


Don Bosco, through the direct intervention of the Blessed Virgin Mary, inspired this vast movement of people, called the Salesian Family, who in different ways work “for the greater glory of God and for the salvation of souls, especially of poor and abandoned youth.” He himself founded not only the Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesians of Don Bosco – SDB) but also the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (the Salesian Sisters – FMA – along with the Co-Foundress, St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello), the Association of the Salesian Cooperators (ASC), and the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA). Including these and others that originated in different parts of the world, founded by members of the original four Groups named above, the Salesian Family today consists of 30 officially-recognized groups that have a total of 402,500 members.

Ours is a charismatic and spiritual community comprising different Groups, officially established and recognized, and linked together by ties of spiritual relationship and of apostolic affinity. Yet, these Groups are unique in the gender of those who belong, male and female; their specific vocations, Religious and Lay; the individual ministries they carry out; their state in life as married or celibate; the Statutes by which they live; and the variety of social, cultural, religious, and ecclesial contexts in which they work. Don Bosco’s charism continues to inspire people of good will. There are currently 23 more groups that are seeking membership within the Salesian Family.

Some members of 12 of the 32 Official Groups make their home and live their mission in the eastern United States and in Canada. Unity [among us] is nourished by the common baptismal consecration by which all are drawn into the Mystery of the Trinity and in communion with the Church; by participation in the Salesian mission at the service of the young and the poor and for the  promotion of a new Christian humanism; by a new sense of citizenship and solidarity on a global scale; by sharing the spirit of Don Bosco; by the exchange of spiritual gifts within the Family; by a common reference to Mary Help of Christians and to Don Bosco, their holy Founder or Patriarch; and by the special link with the Rector Major, the successor of Don Bosco.


The Salesian Family consists of Christian men and women, consecrated men and women who with the individuality of their own charism and spirit, place themselves at the service of the mission of the Church, especially in the vast world of youth, in working class areas, for the poor and for peoples not yet evangelized (apostolic).

Living at the heart of the Church and carrying out the Salesian mission, it reflects the different gifts, unites together particular vocations within a single spiritual and apostolic Family, expresses communion between the various different ministries, all directed towards the service of the people of God (catholic).

Being present in the local Churches, it fosters communion among its members and with the Successor of Peter, in this way re-living the devotion to the Pope handed down by Don Bosco (one); it participates in their apostolic activity, offering its own particular contribution. especially in the area of the mission to the young and to the working classes; it promotes understanding and collaboration with other groups and institutions for an all-round education of the individual; it takes care of the vocational guidance of the young, educating them to the faith and setting them on the way to an apostolic commitment in the Church and for the world. In order to carry out their educational mission the various Groups make good use of the support of the Past Pupils including those belonging to other religions or with different views of the world (catholic).


All heirs to the Salesian charism and spirit, the Groups establish among themselves a very close relationship so that each Group expresses the identity of the Salesian Family, but not without reference to the others. In fact, entering into a Group, in virtue of a specific vocation, means entering the whole Family; it is as though each one feels entrusted to the others in a mutual relationship. All this is for the benefit of the mission, since it makes it possible to undertake in a more adequate and effective manner the human development and Christian education of the young, of poor people, of the sick and of peoples not yet evangelized.

The task of seeing to the unity, growth, and collaboration among the Groups has been entrusted to the Provincial Consulta, a body comprised of the leaders of the various Groups present in that geographic territory, or of their Delegates. It meets regularly to plan formation initiatives of study and knowing Don Bosco, his mission, and his spirit; to share positive experiences in the apostolate; to have concrete experiences of the Salesian Family; to come to know and value each Group for the ultimate purpose of collaboration in the apostolate, seeking to respond in communion to the pastoral challenges of the local Church, though in varied ways according to each Group’s particular identity; to strengthen bonds with the Bishops, the local Church, and those entities of civic society that are directly involved in areas proper to the mission of the Salesian Family.


Given the length and breadth of our geographical territory, the development of local Salesian Family Commissions has been deemed indispensable so that the objectives above might be achieved with efficacy. At present there are 10 identified “areas” in our Provinces: the greater Metropolitan area of NY/NJ/Boston area; the Washington, DC area; the Tampa Bay area; the South Florida area; the New Orleans area; the Chicago area; the Quebec/New Brunswick area; the Ontario area; the Edmonton area; and the Surrey area.


  1. The Salesian Family Worldwide Website






The goal of our mission is, as Don Bosco put it, “the salvation of souls and the greater glory of God.” We have been entrusted with the task of his mission to continue to raise up in the Church “good Christians and honest citizens.”

The Family of Don Bosco, developing its characteristic spirituality of charismatic origin, enriches the whole Body of the Church with a model of Christian life all its own (holy). “Da mihi animas; cetera tolle” (“Give me souls and take away all the rest”) aptly sums up the single goal and spiritual inheritance Don Bosco left to us: to be faithful disciples and apostles of Christ to cooperate with Him in saving our own souls and helping others do the same. Bearing witness to this are the numerous ranks of the spiritual sons and daughters of Don Bosco already declared Saints or proceeding along the path of beatification and canonization. These are our models, our joy (list updated December 2014):

Via Marsala, 42

Postulator General for the Causes of the Saints


(updated January 26, 2024 – download PDF here)

Salesian Ordo:

Parvum Calendarium 2024 and Addenda et Varianda 2024


January 8 Blessed Titus Zeman, Priest and Martyr

January 15 Blessed Louis Variara, Priest, missionary among the lepers of Colombia

January 23 Blessed Laura Vicuña, Youth, pupil of the Salesian Sisters [in Canada, January 22]

January 24 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor, titular saint of the Salesian Society (Society of St. Francis de Sales)

January 30 Blessed Bronislaus Markiewicz, Priest, founder of the Michaelite congregations

January 31 St. John Bosco, Priest, founder of the Salesian Society, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and the Salesian Cooperators, and the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA).


February 1 Commemoration of all deceased Salesians (SDBs)

Deceased Benefactors of the FMA and the Salesian Family

February 7 Blessed Pius IX, Pope, supporter of St. John Bosco in the founding of the Salesians

February 9 Blessed Eusebia Palomino Yenes, Virgin

February 25 Sts. Louis Versiglia (Bishop) and Callixtus Caravario (Priest), martyred in China


March 19 St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church


May 6 St. Dominic Savio, Youth

May 13 St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, Virgin, co-foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

May 14 Commemoration of the Deceased Parents & Relatives of the FMA

May 15 Our Lady of Fatima (in the Salesian World)

May 16 St. Louis Orione, Priest, founder of the Sons of Divine Providence

May 18 St. Leonard Murialdo, Priest, collaborator with Don Bosco in the work of the oratories, founder of the Josephites

May 24 Mary Help of Christians, principal patroness of the Salesian Society and of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

May 25 Commemoration of all Deceased Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA)

May 29 Blessed Joseph Kowalski, Priest and Martyr


June 8 Blessed Stephen Sandor, Religious and Martyr

June 12 Blessed Francis Kesy and 4 Companions, Martyrs

June 23 St. Joseph Cafasso, Priest, Don Bosco’s spiritual director


July 7 Blessed Maria Romero Meneses, Virgin


August 2 Blessed August Czartoryski, Priest and Religious

August 25 Blessed Maria Troncatti, Virgin, missionary in Ecuador

August 26 Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá, Youth, pupil of the Salesians


September 22 Blessed Joseph Calasanz (Priest), Henry Saiz (Priests), and 93 Companions (Religious), Martyrs


October 5 Blessed Albert Marvelli, Salesian past pupil (not in NY Archdiocese)

October 13 Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa, Virgin, Salesian Cooperator

October 24 St. Louis Guanella, Priest, founder of the Servants of Charity

October 25 Anniversary of the Dedication of a church (when the date is unknown)

October 29 Blessed Michael Rua, Priest, Don Bosco’s first successor


November 5 Mass is celebrated in each Salesian house for all deceased benefactors and members of the Salesian Family

November 14 Saint Artemides Zatti, Religious, missionary in Patagonia

November 15 Blessed Madeleine Morano, Virgin

November 25 Anniversary of the death of Mama Margaret, Don Bosco’s mother. Mass is celebrated in each Salesian house for the deceased parents of the Salesians (SDB).


December 5 Blessed Philip Rinaldi, Priest, Don Bosco’s third successor, founder of the Don Bosco Volunteers

December 8 Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Birthday of the Salesian work (1841).

*Moved to a different day in the United States:

Blessed Laura Vicuña – January 23
Blessed Artemides Zatti – November 14

Updated: January 26, 2024 – Memorial of Saints Timothy & Titus


(Update at 01. 01. 2020)   •   LIST >>   •   PHOTO GALLERY >>  •   Eucharist Download zip file
8 Blessed Titus Zeman, priest and martyr Eucharist
Download doc file
>> Optional Memorial
15 Blessed Louis Variara, priest and Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Memorial [for FMA Optional Memorial; for HHSSCC: Feast]
(22) 23 in the USA Blessed Laura Vicuña, youth Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Optional Memorial [for the FMA: Memorial]
24 St. Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church, Titular and Patron of the Society of St. Francis de Sales Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Feast
30 Blessed Bronislaus Markiewicz, priest and Founder of the Congregations of Saint Michael the Archangel Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
31 St. John Bosco, priest, Founder of the Society of St Francis de Sales, of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and of the Salesian Cooperators Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Solemnity
1 Commemoration of all deceased Salesian confreres Office
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Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Comm.
7 Blessed PIUS IX Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
9 Blessed Eusebia Palomino Yenes, virgin Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional memorial [for FMA: Memorial]
25 Saint Louis Versiglia, bishop, and Callistus Caravario, priest Salesian Protomartyrs Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Feast
6 Saint Dominic Savio, youth Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Feast
13 Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello, virgin and Cofoundress of the FMA Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Festa [for FMA: Solemnity]
15 Beata Maria Vergine di Fatima internet
16 Saint Louis Orione, priest and Founder of the Little Work of Divine Providence Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Optional Memorial
18 Saint Leonard Murialdo, priest and Founder of the Congregation of St Joseph Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Optional Memorial
24 Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians Principal patron of Society of St Francis de Sales, of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and of the Secular Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bosco Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Solemnity
29 Blessed Joseph Kowalski, priest, martyr Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
8 Beato Istvan Sándor SDB Download zip file >> Memorial
12 Blessed Francis Keşy, lay person, and 4 companions martyrs Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
23 Saint Joseph Cafasso, priest Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Memorial
7 Blessed Mary Romero, virgin Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional memorial [for FMA: Memorial]
2 Blessed Augustus Czartoryski, priest Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
25 Blessed Maria Troncatti, FMA Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Optional Memorial
26 Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá, lay person Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
22 Blessed Joseph Calasanz Marqués and Enrico Saiz Aparicio, priests, and 93 companions, martyrs Download doc file Download pdf file >> Memorial
5 Blessed Albert Marvelli, lay person Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
13 Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa, virgin Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
24 Saint Louis Guanella, priest Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Optional Memorial
25 Anniversary of the Dedication of the church (when the date is unknown) Office


29 Blessed Michael Rua, priest Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Memorial
(13) 14 in the USA Saint Artemides Zatti, religious Download doc file Download pdf file >> Memorial
15 Blessed Madeleine Morano, virgin Download doc file Download pdf file >> Optional Memorial
5 Blessed Philip Rinaldi, priest Founder of the Secular Institute of the Volunteers of Don Bosco Office
Download doc file Download pdf file
Download doc file Download pdf file
>> Memorial [for VDB: Feast]

All Resources (Mass and Office Texts, Prayers, Aids, Photos, Images, Videos, Audio, Power Points, and Links) – UPDATED LIST AS OF MAY 2023:


The list as on January 1, 2024

Our Postulation involves 173 Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God. The causes followed directly by the Postulation are 58 (+ 5 extra).

Saints (10)

St. John Bosco, priest (canonization: April 1, 1934) – (Italy)

St. Joseph Cafasso, priest (June 22, 1947) – (Italy)

St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello, virgin (June 24, 1951) – (Italy)

St. Dominic Savio, adolescent (June 12, 1954) – (Italy)

St. Leonard Murialdo, priest (May 3 1970) – (Italy)

St. Louis Versiglia, bishop, martyr (October 1, 2000) – (Italy-China)

St. Callixtus Caravario, priest, martyr (October 1, 2000) – (Italy-China)

St. Louis Orione, priest (May 16, 2004) – (Italy)

St. Louis Guanella, priest (October 23, 2011) – (Italy)

St. Artemides Zatti, religious (October 9, 2022) – (Italy-Argentina)

Blesseds (117)

Bl. Michael Rua, priest (beatification: October 29, 1972) – (Italy)

Bl. Laura Vicuña, adolescent (September 3, 1988) – (Chile – Argentina)

Bl. Philip Rinaldi, priest (April 29, 1990) – (Italy)

Bl. Madeleine Morano, virgin (November 5, 1994) – (Italy)

Bl. Joseph Kowalski, priest, martyr (June 13, 1999) – (Poland)

Bl. Francis Kęşy, layman, and 4 companion martyrs (June 13, 1999) – (Poland)

  • Chester Jóżwiak
  • Edward Kazmierski
  • Edward Klinik
  • Jarogniew Wojciechowski

Bl. Pius IX, pope (September 3, 2000) – (Italy)

Bl. Joseph Calasanz, priest, and 31 companion martyrs (March 11, 2001) – (Spain)

  • Zacarías Abadía Buesa, seminarian
  • Francisco Bandrés Sánchez, priest
  • José Batalla Parramón, priest
  • Jaime Bonet Nadal, priest
  • José Bonet Nadal, priest
  • Javier Bordas Piferrer, seminarian
  • Jaime Buch Canals, coadjutor brother
  • María Amparo Carbonell Muñoz, virgin
  • José Caselles Moncho, priest
  • José Castell Camps, priest
  • Sergio Cid Pazo, priest
  • Recaredo de los Ríos Fabregat, priest
  • Miguel Domingo Cendra, seminarian
  • Agustín García Calvo, coadjutor brother
  • Eliseo García García, coadjutor brother
  • José Giménez López, priest
  • Felipe Hernández Martínez, seminarian
  • Julio Junyer Padern, priest
  • Antonio María Martín Hernández, priest
  • Juan Martorell Soria, priest
  • Pedro Mesonero Rodríguez, seminarian
  • María Carmen Moreno Benítez, virgin
  • Jaime Ortiz Alzueta, coadjutor brother
  • José Otín Aquilé, priest
  • Alejandro Planas Saurí, lay employee
  • José Rabasa Bentanachs, coadjutor brother
  • Ángel Ramos Velázquez, coadjutor brother
  • Gil Rodicio Rodicio, coadjutor brother
  • Julián Rodríguez Sánchez, priest
  • Alvaro Sanjuán Canet, priest
  • Félix Vivet Trabal, seminarian

Bl. Louis Variara, priest (April 14, 2002) – (Italy-Colombia)

Bl. Maria Romero Meneses, virgin (April 14, 2002) – (Nicaragua-Costa Rica)

Bl. August Czartoryski, priest (April 25, 2004) – (France-Poland)

Bl. Eusebia Palomino, virgin (April 25, 2004) – (Spain)

Bl. Alexandrina Maria Da Costa, laywoman (April 25, 2004) – (Portugal)

Bl. Albert Marvelli, layman (September 5, 2004) – (Italy)

Bl. Bronislaus Markiewicz, priest (June 19, 2005) – (Poland)

Bl. Henry Saiz Aparicio, priest, and 62 companion martyrs (October 28, 2007) – (Spain)

  • Tomás Alonso Sanjuán, coadjutor brother
  • Emilio Arce Díez, coadjutor brother
  • Pedro Artolozaga Mellique, seminarian
  • Bartolomé Blanco Márquez, layman
  • José Blanco Salgado, coadjutor brother
  • Manuel Borrajo Míguez, seminarian
  • Pablo Caballero López, priest
  • Antonio Enrique Canut Isús, priest
  • Teresa Cejudo Redondo, laywoman
  • José María Celaya Badiola, coadjutor brother
  • Antonio Cid Rodríguez, coadjutor brother
  • Esteban Cobo Sanz, seminarian
  • Federico Cobo Sanz, aspirant
  • Juan Codera Marqués, coadjutor brother
  • Pio Conde Conde, priest
  • Pascual de Castro Herrera, seminarian
  • Nicolás de la Torre Merino, coadjutor brother
  • Higinio de Mata Díez, aspirant
  • Juan de Mata Díez, lay collaborator
  • Francisco Edreira Mosquera, seminarian
  • Virgilio Edreira Mosquera, seminarian
  • Ramón Eirín Mayo, coadjutor brother
  • Antonio Fernández Camacho, priest
  • Manuel Fernández Ferro, priest
  • Salvador Fernández Pérez, priest
  • Victoriano Fernández Reinoso, seminarian
  • Esteban García García, coadjutor brother
  • Matéo Garolera Masferrer, coadjutor brother
  • Anastasio Garzón González, coadjutor brother
  • Valentín Gil Arribas, coadjutor brother
  • Tomás Gil de la Cal, aspirant
  • Manuel Gómez Contioso, priest
  • Andrés Gómez Sáez, priest
  • Teódulo González Fernández, seminarian
  • Félix González Tejedor, priest
  • Pablo Gracía Sánchez, coadjutor brother
  • Sabino Hernández Laso, priest
  • Honourio Hernández Martín, seminarian
  • Juan Luis Hernández Medina, seminarian
  • Andrés Jiménez Galera, priest
  • Justo Juanes Santos, seminarian
  • Juan Larragueta Garay, seminarian
  • Miguel Lasaga Carazo, priest
  • José Limón Limón, priest
  • Francisco José Martín López de Arroyave, coadjutor brother
  • Germán Martín Martín, priest
  • Manuel Martín Pérez, seminarian
  • Luis Martínez Alvarellos, seminarian
  • Francisco Míguez Fernández, priest
  • Antonio Mohedano Larriva, priest
  • Miguel Molina de la Torre, priest
  • Félix Paco Escartín, priest
  • Antonio Pancorbo López, priest
  • Carmelo Juan Pérez Rodríguez, subdeacon
  • Heliodoro Ramos García, coadjutor brother
  • Antonio Rodríguez Blanco, diocesan priest
  • Florencio Rodríguez Güemes, seminarian
  • Rafael Rodríguez Mesa, coadjutor brother
  • Antonio Torrero Luque, priest
  • Dionisio Ullívarri Barajuán, coadjutor brother
  • Esteban Vázquez Alonso, coadjutor brother
  • José Villanova Tormo, priest

Bl. Ceferino Namuncurá, layman (November 11, 2007) – (Argentina)

Bl. Maria Troncatti, virgin (November 24, 2012) – (Italy-Ecuador)

Bl. Stephen Sándor, religious, martyr (October 19, 2013) – (Hungary)

Bl. Titus Zeman, priest, martyr (September 30, 2017) – (Slovakia).

Venerables (20)

Ven. Andrew Beltrami, priest (date of decree concerning virtues: December 15, 1966) – (Italy)

Ven. Teresa Valsé Pantellini, virgin (July 12, 1982) – (Italy)

Ven. Dorothy Chopitea, laywoman (June 9, 1983) – (Spain)

Ven. Vincent Cimatti, priest (December 21, 1991) – (Italy – Japan)

Ven. Simon Srugi, religious (April 2, 1993) – (Palestine)

Ven. Rudolph Komorek, priest (April 6, 1995) – (Poland-Brazil)

Ven. Louis Olivares, bishop (December 20, 2004) – (Italy)

Ven. Margaret Occhiena Bosco, laywoman (October 23, 2006) – (Italy)

Ven. Joseph Quadrio, priest (December 19, 2009) – (Italy)

Ven. Laura Meozzi, virgin (June 27, 2011) – (Italy -Poland)

Ven. Attilio Giordani, layman (October 9, 2013) – (Italy-Brazil)

Ven. August Joseph Arribat, priest (July 8, 2014) – (France)

Ven. Stephen Ferrando, bishop (March 3, 2016) – (Italy-India)

Ven. Francis Convertini, priest (20 January 2017) – (Italy -India)

Ven. Joseph Vandor, priest (January 20, 2017) – (Hungary -Cuba)

Ven. Ottavio Ortiz Arrieta, bishop (February 27, 2017) – (Peru)

Ven. Augusto Hlond, cardinal (19 May 2018) – (Poland)

Ven. Ignatius Stuchly, priest (21 December 2020) – (Czech Republic)

Ven. Carlo Crespi Croci, priest (23 March 2023) – (Italy – Ecuador)

Ven. Antonio De Almeida Lustosa, bishop (22 June 2023) – (Brazil)

Servants of God (26)

Elijah Comini, priest (Italy)

Constantine Vendrame, priest (Italy-India)

Jan Świerc, priest and 8 companions, martyrs (Poland)

  • Ignatius Antonowicz, priest
  • Ignatius Dobiasz, priest
  • Charles Golda, priest
  • Francis Harazim, priest
  • Francis Miska, priest
  • Louis Mroczek, priest
  • Vladimir Szembek, priest
  • Casimir Wojciechowski, priest

Orestes Marengo, bishop (Italy-India)

Charles Della Torre, priest (Italy-Thailand)

Anna Maria Lozano, virgin (Colombia)

Andrew Majcen, priest (Slovenia)

Rudolph Lunkenbein, priest (Germany-Brazil) and Simon Bororo, layman (Brazil) martyrs

Matilda Salem, laywoman (Syria)

Charles Braga, priest (Italy-China-Philippines)

Antoninus Baglieri, layman (Italy)

Antoniette Böhm, virgin (Germany-Mexico)

Silvio Galli, priest (Italy)

Rosetta Marchese, virgin (Italy)

Louis Bolla, priest (Italy)

Vera Grita, laywoman (Italy)

Giuseppe Cognata, bishop (Italy)

The Diocesan Inquiry is underway

Akash Bashir, layman, martyr (Pakistan)

Antonietta Böhm, virgin (Germany – Mexico)

Antonino Baglieri, layman (Italy)

Matilde Salem, laywoman (Syria)

Carlo Braga, priest (Italy – China – Philippines)

Rosetta Marchese, virgin (Italy)

Luigi Bolla, priest (Italy – Ecuador – Peru)

Extra Causes being followed by the Postulator’s Office

Ven. Camillo Costa de Beauregard, priest – (France)

Ven. Casimir Barello Morello, Franciscan Third Order – (Italy -Spain)

Ven. Jan Tyranowski, layman – (Poland)

Ven. August Bertazzoni, bishop– (Italy)

Servant of God Felice Canelli, priest – (Italy)

Mention should also be made of the Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God who at different times and in different ways have encountered the Salesian charism, such as: the Blessed, Edvige Carboni, the Servant of God Cardinal Giuseppe Guarino, founder of the Apostles of the Holy Family the Servant of God Salvo d’Acquisto, past pupil and many others.

2. EVENTS OF 2023
On 11 January 2023, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in its Ordinary Congress gave legal validity to the diocesan inquiry for the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Msgr. Giuseppe Cognata, (Agrigento 14 October 1885 – Pellaro 22 July 1972) of the Pious
Society of St. Francis de Sales, Titular Bishop of Farsalo, former Bishop of Bova, Founder of the Institute of the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart.

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, during the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops members of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a unanimous positive opinion was given regarding the heroic exercise of the virtues, the reputation of holiness and signs of the Servant of God Carlo
Crespi Croci, (1891-1982) Professed Priest of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, missionary in Ecuador.

On 23 March 2023, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. During the audience, the Supreme Pontiff authorized the same dicastery to promulgate the decree concerning the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Carlo Crespi Croci, a professed priest of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco; born on 29 May 1891 in Legnano (Italy) and died on 30 April 1982 in Cuenca (Ecuador).

On Tuesday, March 28, 2023, the Historical Consultors of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints expressed affirmative votes regarding the Positio super martyrio of the Servants of God John Świerc and VIII Companions, Professed Priests of the Society of St. Francis de Sales.

On March 30, 2023, the Medical Advisory Board of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints gave a positive opinion, with all affirmative votes, to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Venerable Camille Costa de Beauregard, diocesan priest (1841-1910), which occurred to the child René Jacquemond, for healing from “intense keratoconjunctivitis with grinding of the cornea, strong perikeratic injection, redness and injection of the conjunctiva, photophobia and lacrimation of the right eye due to violent trauma from a vegetable-burdock agent” (1910).

On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, during the Ordinary Session of the Cardinals and Bishops members of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, a unanimous positive opinion was given regarding the heroic exercise of the virtues, the reputation of holiness and signs of the Servant of Antonio de Almeida Lustosa, SDB, (1886-1974) Archbishop of Fortaleza, Salesian of Don Bosco.
On 22 June 2023, the Supreme Pontiff authorized the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the Decree concerning the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Antônio de Almeida Lustosa, of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco, Archbishop of Fortaleza; born on 11 February 1886 in São
João del Rei (Brazil) and died on 14 August 1974 in Carpina (Brazil);

On September 19, 2023, the volume of the Positio super Vita, Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis by the Servant of God Constantine Vendrame, Professed Priest of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, was delivered to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.

October 19, 2023, The Peculiar Congress of Theologians of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints gave a positive vote to the alleged miracle attributed to the intercession of Venerable Camille Costa de Beauregard (1841-1910), diocesan priest, for the immediate, complete and lasting healing, scientifically inexplicable of René Jacquemond from “eye trauma from Burdock fruit with lesion of the cornea and wound of the conjunctiva.”

5 January 1873: Laura Meozzi is born in Florence
5 June 1873 Monsignor Luigi Versiglia was born in Oliva Gessi (Pavia)
18 October 1873: Monsignor Luigi Olivares is born in Corbetta (Milan)
29 August 1898 Don Francesco Convertini was born in Locorotondo (Bari)
5 December 1898 Fr MIŚKA FRANCESCO was born in Swierczyniec (Upper Silesia)
January 28, 1923: Vera Grita is born in Rome
1 February 1923: Luigi Variara dies in Cucuta (Colombia)
75: 22 October 1948: Cardinal Augusto Hlond dies in Warsaw, Poland
25: July 30: 1998 Msgr. Oreste Marengo dies in Tura (India)


Tips for promoting a Cause.

  • Encourage prayer through the intercession of the Blessed, Venerable Servant of God, through images (also relics ex-indumentis), brochures, books… to be spread in families, parishes, religious houses, spirituality centers, hospitals to ask for the grace of miracles and favors through the intercession of the Blessed, Venerable Servant of God.
  • The diffusion of the novena Blessed, Venerable Servant of God, invoking his intercession in various cases of material and spiritual need, is particularly effective.
    Two formative elements are emphasized: the value of insistent and trusting prayer and that of community prayer. Let us recall the biblical episode of Naam the Syrian (2 Kings 5:1-14), where we see several elements: the signaling of the man of God by a maiden, the injunction to bathe seven times in the Jordan, the indignant and resentful refusal, the wisdom and insistence of Naam’s servants, Naam’s obedience, the obtaining not only of physical healing but of salvation. Let us also recall the description of the first community of Jerusalem, when it is stated: “All these persevered and with one accord in prayer, together with some of the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brethren” (Acts 1:14).
  • It is advisable, every month, on the day of the date of death of the Blessed (Venerable) Servant of God, to take care of a moment of prayer and commemoration.
  • Publish quarterly or quarterly a Sheet that informs about the journey of the Cause, particular anniversaries and events, testimonies, thank you… to emphasize that the Cause is alive and accompanied.
  • Organize a Commemorative Day once a year, highlighting particular aspects or anniversaries of the figure of the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God, involving groups that are particularly “interested” in his or her witness (e.g. priests, religious, young people, families, doctors, missionaries…).
  • Collect and document the graces and favors that are attributed to the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God. It is useful to have a notebook in which to write down and report the graces asked for and those received, as a testimony to the reputation of both holiness and signs. In particular, if it is a matter of healings and/or alleged miracles, it is important to urgently collect all medical documentation that proves the case and evidence attesting to intercession.
  • To set up a committee that undertakes to promote this Cause also in view of the Beatification and Canonization. The members of this Committee should be persons particularly sensitive to the promotion of the Cause: representatives of the diocese and parish of origin, leaders of groups and associations, doctors (for the study of alleged miracles), historians, theologians and experts in spirituality…
  • Promote knowledge through the writing of biography, critical editions of writings and other multimedia productions.
  • Periodically present the figure of the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God in the Parish Bulletin and in the diocesan newspaper, in the Salesian Bulletin.
  • Have a website or a link dedicated to the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God with his/her life, data and news relating to the Cause of Beatification and Canonization, request for prayers, notification of graces…
  • Review and tidy up the environments where he/she has lived. Organize an exhibition space. Develop a spiritual itinerary in his footsteps, enhancing places (birthplace, church, living environments…) and signs.
  • To organize an archive with all the catalogued and computerized documentation relating to the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God.
    – To create an economic fund to support both the expenses of the Postulation of the Cause and the work of promotion and animation of the Cause itself.
  • To promote works of charity and education in the name of the Blessed, (Venerable) Servant of God, through projects, twinnings…


  • To take care of our “theological” gaze to grasp the miracles that take place every day in our lives and around us.
  • To pray and to have others pray for the various cases that arise and to ask that through the intercession of a Servant of God or Venerable or Blessed, the Lord intervene with his grace and work not only a miracle objectively concerning bodily health, but also a true and sincere conversion.
  • To make people better understand what a “demonstrable” miracle is and what it is used for in a Cause of canonization, showing not only the scientific, medical but also the theological aspect.
  • Appoint a person in charge to communicate and report graces and alleged miracles. Following a Cause to certify a miracle is a very great commitment for a promoter who must demonstrate true love for the Servant of God.
  • To raise awareness that we must have more faith in the intercession of our saints.
  • Communicate when we ask for a grace to unite in prayer. Don’t get tired of praying.
  • Follow better and personally the people to whom you give the material (novenas, holy cards, etc.) and also carefully choose the places where to do it.
  • It is important to sensitize the faithful to continuous prayer sustained by great faith and always ready to accept God’s will. We can learn by looking at the lives and sufferings of our Saints.
  • In addition to prayers, it is important to be close to families who have great problems and to give them some relics.
  • In the case of an alleged miracle, it is necessary to proceed rigorously by using a scientific methodology in collecting evidence, testimonies, medical opinions, etc., and possibly by ordering all the information in chronological sequence.

A miracle is composed of two essential elements: the scientific and the theological. The second, however, presupposes the first.

You need to prepare:

  1. a brief and accurate report on the particular circumstances of the case; This consists in a chronological case of all the elements of the prodigious fact, both those concerning the scientific and the theological elements. The chronological case involves: generality of the healed; symptoms of the disease, chronology of medical-scientific events; indication of the decisive hours of recovery, clarification of the diagnosis and prognosis of the case, highlighting all the research performed. Outline the therapy followed, explain the mode of healing, i.e. when the last observation was made before healing, the completeness of the healing, presented in great detail, and the permanence of the healing.
  2. A list of texts that can contribute to the search for the truth of the case (healed, relatives, doctors, nurses, people who have prayed…);
  3. All documents related to the case. Medical, clinical, and instrumental documents (e.g., medical records, medical reports, laboratory tests, and instrumental investigations) are required for alleged miraculous healings.6. INITIAL DISCERNMENT BEFORE INITIATING A CAUSE
  • First of all, it is necessary, on the part of the Provincial and his Council or of the Superior or Head of a group, to investigate and document with the greatest diligence about the fama sanctitatis et signorum of the candidate and the relevance of the Cause, in order to verify the truth of the facts and the consequent formation of a reasoned moral certainty. Moreover, it is essential that the Cause in question affects a significant and significant portion of the People of God and is not the intention of only some group, if not even of some person. All this involves a more motivated and documented initial discernment, to avoid dispersion of energies, forces, times and resources.
  • It is then essential to identify the right person (Vice Postulator) who takes the Cause to heart and has the time and opportunity to follow it in all its stages.
  • It should also be remembered that starting and continuing a Cause requires a considerable investment of resources in terms of people and financial contributions.

Sanctity recognized, or in the process of being recognized, on the one hand is already the realization of evangelical radicalism and fidelity to Don Bosco’s apostolic project, to which we look as a spiritual and pastoral resource; on the other hand, it is a provocation to live one’s vocation faithfully in order to be available to bear witness to love to the extreme. Our Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God are the authentic incarnation of the Salesian charism and of the Constitutions or Regulations
of our Institutes and Groups in the most diverse times and situations, overcoming that worldliness and spiritual superficiality that undermine our credibility and fruitfulness at the root. The saints are true mystics of the primacy of God in the generous gift of self, prophets of evangelical fraternity, servants of their brothers and sisters with creativity.
The path of holiness is a journey to be made together, in the company of the saints. Holiness is experienced together and attained together. The saints are always in company: where there is one, we always find many others. The sanctity of daily life makes communion flourish and is a “relational”
generator. Holiness is nourished by relationships, by confidence, by communion. Truly, as the Church’s liturgy makes us pray in the preface of the saints: “In their lives you offer us an example, in intercession a help, in the communion of grace a bond of fraternal love. Comforted by their testimony, let us face the good fight of faith, to share the same crown of glory beyond death.”
Don Pierluigi Cameroni, SDB
Postulator General for the Causes of Saints

From prior reports:

  • Reality OF FAITH

Holiness is the incarnation of the charism and helps to live the Salesian spirit in a realistic way, overcoming the temptation and danger of ideologies and false justifications, by offering good practices which is the result of the incarnation of authentic charism. There is an apologetics of Holiness that reveals the beauty and truth of the Gospel of Christ and of the Salesian charism by life and not by words and documents.

All our Saints, Blesseds, Venerables and servants of God carry richness of aspects that deserve greater consideration and appreciation. It is contemplating a diamond with many facets, some more visible and attractive, other less immediate and pleasant, but nevertheless real and decisive. Knowing and making known these extraordinary figures of believers provoke a progressive involvement in their own way, a keen interest to their story, a joyful sharing of plans and hopes that animated their journey.

Some examples:

We have young saints; for example, Dominic Savio, Laura Vicuña, Ceferino Namuncurà, 5 young Oratorians of Poznan…. In particular it is urgent to emphasize some aspects of the witness of Saint Dominic Savio which in my humble opinion deserves renewed attention in several respects.

  • This calls for reviewing the preventive system more than as pedagogical educational aspect. In fact as Don Bosco himself testifies that there is a grace that is active and revealing in the preventive system.
  • In the sanctity of the young, the first communion has a decisive value.
  • The fact that constitutes a kind of head-row, a kind of teacher in the ways of God(as don Bosco sees him in the dream of Lanzo of 1876) and that is confirmed by the life of so many of our blessed, venerable and God’s servants able to make its intentions of Dominic: Laura Vicuña, Ceferino Namuncurà, Joseph Kowlaski, Alberto Marvelli, Giuseppe Quadrio , Ottavio Ortiz Arrieta.
  • The role of Dominic in the Foundation of the sodality of the Immaculate conception, was the seedbed of future Congregation, in relationship with John Massaglia, a true friend of the concerns of the soul and of which Don Bosco said: “if I wanted to write the beautiful stretches of virtues of the young Massaglia, I should repeat mostly the things said of Savio, of which he was a faithful follower as long as he lived”.

The missionary dimension of the Salesian charism, expressed by a significant number of men and women with very interesting aspects: proclamation of the Gospel, inculturation of the faith, promotion of women, defense of the rights of the poor and the natives (Blessed Mary Troncatti); foundation of local churches (the Servants of God of North East India: Venerable Ferrando, Convertini, Vendrame, Marengo) …

The altruistic sacrificing dimension expresses the deep roots of the “Da mihi animas”. In this line, the first and foremost is the venerable don Andrea Beltrami (1870-1897). Here, It deals with a witness for the curiosity and for the reasons attached to the letters dated or handed over in the vernacular language. This is being dissappered from the visibility of the Salesian world. It reminds us of the incompatibility of Christian Message with that of the world. If one is ignorant, the evangelical message can become a shallow message. For us salesians, the charism if not safeguarded in its charismatic roots of the spirit of sacrifice, of strenuous work and apostolic renunciations, could become the same. The witness of don Andrea Beltrami is a paradigm of Holiness that starting from the Venerable Andrea Beltrami, Blessed Augustus Czartoryski, Blessed Luigi Variara, continues with other persons of the family, such as Blessed Eusebia Palomino, the blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa, the blessed Laura Vicuña, not to mention the large number of martyrs(among whom we must mention the 95 martyrs of the Spanish civil war , including many young confreres in the formation and young priests).

The dimension of “disturbed family’: The history of salesian holiness also passes through the history of ‘disturbed families’: families where at least one of parental figures is absent or the presence of mother and father becomes, for different reasons (physical, psychological, moral and spiritual), detrimental to their children. Don Bosco, who had experienced the premature death of his father and the distancing from the family for the prudent desire of Mamma Margaret, wants – it is not a coincidence – that Salesian work particularly devoted to the poor and abandoned youth “.

  • The Blessed Laura Vicuña, born in Chile in 1891, her father died and her mother begins living with wealthy landowner Manuel Mora in Argentina; Laura thus wounded on the situation of moral deviation of her Mother and was ready to offer his life for her
  • The servant of God Charles Braga of valtellina class, in 1889, abandoned by his father when he was very small and whose mother was ostracized on account of ignorance, curse and mentally unstable; Therefore Carlo faced great humiliations and at times found difficulties in the salesian vocation being accused as compromising, on account of his mother. •
  • The servant of God,Anna Maria Lozano, who was born in 1883 in Colombia, coming from a family wherein his father was hospitalized on the appearance of the terrible leprosy. His transfer to the place of the hospital impeded his religious calling, but eventually, her realized that it was really a providential to meet the blessed Luigi Variara, a Salesian.

The vocational dimension: the bicentennial perspective deserves mention of two figures of martyrs who embedded this event that invited us to observe and realize the history, pedagogy and spirituality of don Bosco and of which the cause for beatification is so amazing.

Stephen Sándor (1914-1953), beatified in 2013 (the cause began in 2006), is remembered for invoking the vital need for complementarity of the two forms of the one consecrated Salesian vocation: lay one (coadjutor) and priests. The numerical decrease and the absence in different parts of the Congregation of the figure of the coadjutor is an indication either of the crisis of identity of consecrated life or is the risk of a clericalization. The shining witness of Stefano Sándor, as Salesian coadjutor, expresses a clear and decisive choice of vocation, an exemplary nature of life, an educational authority and Apostolic fruitfulness, to look for a presentation of the vocation and mission of the Salesian coadjutor, with a predilection for young and the working world.

The servant of God Titus Zeman (1915-1968), whose trial was started in 2010 and his Positio was examined on 7 April. In April 1950, the Communist regime of Czechoslavakia banned religious orders and began deporting consecrated men and women in the concentration camps. Therefore, it became necessary to organize illegal travel to Turin to enable young Salesians to complete his studies. Don Zeman took up this risky task. The servant of God organized two expeditions for 30 young Salesians. The third expedition don Zeman, together with the fugitives were arrested. He suffered a hard process, during which he was described as a traitor of the fatherland and Vatican spy, and risked death. He lived his ordeal with great spirit of sacrifice and offer: “even if I lose life, I do not consider it a waste, knowing that at least one of those who helped him became a priest in my place”

Dimension of ‘Salesian Paternity’:

BlessedMichael Rua, Blessed Philip Rinaldi, Blessed José Calasanz, Venerable Vincenzo Cimatti, Venerable Augusto Arribat, Servant of God, don Carlo Braga, servant of God father Andrea Majcen.

Episcopal Dimension:
In varied trail of Holiness flourished at the school of don Bosco is also distinguished by a significant number of bishops who have embodied in a special way the typical pastoral charity of the Salesian charism in the Episcopal Ministry in which they were called:
Luigi Versiglia (18731930), Salesian Bishop,martyr,
Saint; Luigi Olivares (18731943), Salesian Bishop, Venerable;
Stephen Ferrando (1895-1978), Salesian Bishop, Venerable;
Ottavio Ortiz Arrieta (1878-1958), Salesian Bishop, servant of God;
August Hlond (1881-1948), Salesian Cardinal, servant of God;
Giuseppe Guarino (1827-1897), Cardinal, a Salesian cooperator.
Antônio de Almeida Lustosa (1886-1974), Salesian Bishop, servant of God;
Orestes Marengo (1906-1998), SalesianBishop, servant of God.

Dimension of “charismatic affiliation”. It is interesting that we venerate certain Saints who shared with Don Bosco some period of life, appreciated the Holiness, Apostolic and educational fruitfulness , but then they traversed with Evangelical freedom, becoming in turn founders, with their keen insights, the genuine love for the poor and the boundless trust in the Providence.

San Leonardo Murialdo: in collaboration with don Bosco chose to engage himself in the early oratories of Turin, between poor kids and stragglers of the periphery: first helped in the Oratory of the Guardian angel until 1857, and then in the Oratory of Saint Louis, as Director from 1857 to 1865. Then founded the Giuseppini of Murialdo

San Luigi Guanella: desiring of more radical religious experience, in 1875 he went to don Bosco in Turin, and made his temporary profession the Salesian congregation. In the first two years as a Salesian, he was the director of the oratory San Luigi Borgo San Salvario in Turin. In November 1876, he was entrusted with opening a new oratory in the Trinity of Mondovi. In 1877 the adult vocations were entrusted to him which Don Bosco had called “Work of children of Mary” The admiration for Don Bosco had a deep root even in their temperaments, very similar to one another, enterprising, apostles of charity, decisive, credible fatherliness and with a great love for the Eucharist, Our Lady, the Pope. The spirituality and Salesian education were a basic element for the formation and mission of the future founder. At the school of Don Bosco he learned loving and firm approach with young people and the educational desire to prevent rather than cure; and the desire to save the brothers with the momentum of a great apostolic charity

Saint Luigi Orione: from October 1886 to August 1889 he was a pupil of the Oratory of Valdocco in Turin. St John Bosco noticed the quality and included among his favourites, assuring him: “we will always be friends”.

Other dimensions: Salesian soldiers; Salesians scientists (Mons. Cimatti, don Carlo Crespi …); spiritual motherhood for priests …

  • The task to spread knowledge, imitation and intercession of the members of our family candidates for sainthood

We are custodians of a precious heritage that deserves to be better known and appreciated. The risk is to reduce this wealth of Holiness in a liturgical celebration, not fully enhancing the potential of a spiritual, pastoral, ecclesial, educational, cultural, historical, social, missionary The Saints, Blessed, Venerable and Servants of God are precious gold that are subtracted from the darkness of the mine to be able to shine and reflect in the Church and in the Salesian Family the splendor of truth and charity of Christ

The pastoral aspect touches the effectiveness that the figures of Saints, Beati, venerables and servants of God as examples to Christianity lived in socio-cultural circumstances of the Church and of the Salesian family. The spiritual aspect involves the invitation to the imitation of their virtues as a source of inspiration and planning. Pastoral and spiritual care of a cause is a genuine form of pedagogy of Holiness, to which, by virtue of our charism, we should be especially sensitive and careful

A cause of beatification is never a dry procedure, but a pilgrimage of faith in research, meditation and imitation of virtuous heroism of Saints. It is an ecclesial activity which has some liturgical nature, as it is aimed to the praise of God and the glorification of his faithful servants. To this we must add the fact that the causes for the beatification of confessors of the faith and all causes of canonization also include an accurate assessment of a miracle, which is a work done by God, through the intercession of his faithful servant outside the ordinary of the causes known to us. If the verification of the heroic virtues of a servant of God is a work “from below”, the miraculous event is a work “from above”, a free intervention of God, which requires a scrupulous scientific and theological verification of true facts.

While not lacking groups and initiatives that laudably promote the knowledge and prayer regarding a Saint, Blessed, or the Venerable, Servant of God, it is necessary that this aspect is attended and promoted. In this sense it touches the large number of venerables (currently 13) who could have been beatified by now, but lacking a miracle they remain fixed. One thing that makes us think is that the last canonization of the Salesian Family, promoted by our postulation, is that of St. Dominic Savio (12 June 1954), and more than 60 years ago! The canonization of St. Luigi Versiglia and St. Callisto Caravario received dispensation from the miracle granted by Pope John Paul II. Responsible for the cause is not only the postulator, or some individual devotees, but the ecclesial communities in the various components involved (dioceses, parishes, congregations, associations, groups …) express interest, enthusiasm and participation.